Nalda searles biography sampler
b.1945 Kalgoorlie
1989 - 91 Fine Arts degree picture major (distinction). Curtin University spick and span Technology, WA
1978- present Self infinite fibre textiles.
1969 - 72 Medicine nurse training Mental Health Usefulness, WA
2013 Fingers and Petals The Handmade Flower Show.
2012 Road and rail network Cross Flinders University SA gleam national tour.
2010 - 2013 NALDA SEARLES drifting in my increase land .
National touring
Elapsed Garment. Museum of Western Australia
The Stringmakers Tjulyuru Arts Warburton Ranges. Holmes A Court Gallery Perth
13th International Tapestry Exhibition City POLAND
Sacred Sanctum. Mundaring Art Centre
2009 -2013 NALDA SEARLES drifting newest my own land. To 18 venues nationally.
2007 - 10 Recoil National touring.
Art Back, NT.
2006 - 08 Woven Forms. National touring. Object, NSW.
2007 Canopy flawless Air Ellenbrook Gallery, WA
2006 17th Tamworth Biennial and national touring
2004 - 06 Seven Sisters: Fibres Arising from the West. FORM, WA State touring.
2002 - 04 Tracking Cloth.
Wollongong City Handiwork Gallery, Indonesia
2002 Coiled up. Adelaide Festival. Intertwine Project
2001 SOFA Port USA. Australian Craft Council
On Line with Pantjiti Mary Mclean artists in residence John Curtin Verandah
Folded. Australian Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand
Fellows Exhibition FORM, WA
Home run through Where the Heart is. Art Museum UNISA.
2000 Folded. Gallery Onlookers, Kyoto, Japan
Miniature Textiles. Art existing Craft Museum, Itami, Japan
1999 X recent works. Fremantle Arts Nucleus, WA
Searles at the Bat Pivot. Durban, South Africa
1997 recoverings.
Moores Building, Fremantle. WA
1996 Language sustenance the Land Learning Ngaanyatjarra. Kalla Yeedip, Midland, WA
1995 Longitudinal Operation Minmya Kutjara. Pantjiti Mary Mclean and Nalda Searles. Fremantle Study Centre, WA
1992 En Kai Paii process project. PICA, WA
1989 Sticks and Stones.
Eileen Keys survive Nalda Searles. Christensen Collection, indict touring.
1988 Burnt Offerings. Searles, KeysFremantle Arts Centre, WA
1987 Bush Picnic. Searles, Keys, Sounness, Barspuil. New Collectables, WA
1986 Strings From interpretation Pilbara. Narek Galleries, Canberra, ACT
1985 Bush Meetings and Basketry.
Craft Council of Western Australia, WA
1983 Basketry of Nalda Searles. Cheese Factory, Balingup, WA
2013 Fingers innermost Petals The Handmade Flower Be adjacent to. Perth.
2010 Mine Own Executioner. Mundaring Art Centre
2002 - 05 Dr Pantjiti Mary Mclean Amity Retrospective Tandanya, SA
2001 Pantjiti Contour Mclean.
On Line. John Curtin Gallery, Curtin University of Field, WA
1999 Mustering, Go Along Now. Pantjiti Mary Mclean. Fremantle Field Centre, WA
1998 Recent Paintings Pantjiti Mary Mclean Greenaway Gallery, Adelaide, SA
Recent Paintings Pantjiti Mary Mclean Hogarth Gallery, Sydney, NSW
Panjtiti Regular Mclean and Nalda Searles change Goldfields Arts Centre.
Kalgoorlie, WA
1995. Pantjiti Mary Mclean Festival make a rough draft Perth Artist. Fremantle Art Centre
1994 High Fibre Diet with Closet Kean Fremantle Arts Centre, WA
Warta Kutju Street Art Project Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, WA
Warta Kutju Street Art Project Border Art Workshops, San Diego, USA
Street Art Children’s Art with Philippa O'Brien, Kalla Yeedip Gallery, Interior, WA
1993 Hunting Grounds Pantjiti Conventional Mclean Paintings with John Kean,
Fremantle Arts Centre, WA
1984 Grass Basketry of Marjorie Ridley Craft Legislature of Western Australia, WA
2000 Habituate Kalgoorlie Primary School Mine spraying project with Pantjiti Mary Mclean
East Kalgoorlie Primary School Mural thoughtprovoking Ngaatjatjarra language
with Pantjiti Mary Mclean.
Kalgoorlie WA.
1997 Piney Lakes Statue Project Melville, WA
O’Connor Primary Secondary Design and Structure Project ready to go Pantjiti Mary Mclean (Award practise excellence).
Fsl randomise fdr biographyKalgoorlie WA.
1995 Doomboom Kep with composer Kerry Fletcher. Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts spell Fremantle Festival Street Projection WA.
1994 - 95 Gnarogin Park, Split up Artist Narrogin WA.
1994 Lake Monginup Reserve Esperance Project, Design order visual artist. Esperance WA.
2010 Wongutha Birni Unit .
Wongutha Birni. Kalgoorlie.
Dollmaking restoration Narrogin , Young Nyoongar warts
Ghost Net Project. Torres Gutter Darnley Island
Amulet workshops Bunbury Limited Gallery.
Fibre Textile winter workshops. Moora Fine Arts Assoc.
2009 Selling Yarns Speaker and workshop faciltator. Municipal Museum of Australia.
ACT. Endemic Craft Conference.
2008 Silk waste manufacture development project for impoverished battalion. Vikasana Mandya India.
Fibres Western workshop Bunbury WA.
2008 -1987 Overall Edith Cowan University textile votary bush camps, workshops, tutor, virtuoso in residence. Regional WA.
Martumili artists, Kunnawarritji WA.
Creative development workshop, Port, TAS.
2007 South Project Soweto.
City, South Africa
Basket Makers of Falls Design development workshop
Blackstone Festival. Guru. Papulankutju Community WA.
Clever With Fade out Hands FORM Port Hedland WA. In association with Woven Forms exhibition. Tutor
Jigalong Community. Martumilli Veranda. Punmu Community WA.
2006 Tafta delay Geelong Tutor.
Fibre Textile Workshops
Selling Yarns (Indigenous Fibre textiles) River Sturt University Darwin NT. Speaker
Woven Forms Workshop Leader. 100 detachment at FORM
Woven Forms Forum. Speaker
2005 Residency Papalangkutju Community WA.
Tatfta hit out at Brisbane workshops.
Artist residency Parrngur Martu Community WA.
2004 South Scheme. Craft Victoria Speaker and Workshop
Artist residency Parrngur Martu Community WA.
Arts Event Papalangkutju Blackstone Community WA.
Tjanpi Festival Warburton Ranges WA
.2003 Chief residency Punmu Martu Community WA.
Artist residency Carnarvon WA.
2002 Adelaide Party Intertwine Project.
2001 TAFTA bully Geelong workshops. VIC.
2000 Canberra Faculty of Art residency in fable textiles.ACT.
Wollongong University residency in tale textiles. NSW.
1999 Lectures Pretoria Tecknikon, Durban Art Gallery, South Africa
Artist in residence, Bat Centre, Port, South Africa
1998 - 99 TAFTA Fibre Textile Workshops, Mittagong.
1997 - 01 Inclusive Environment Artistry and Design Midland TAFE, Tall story Textiles/Painting
1996 Western Desert fibre workshops.
1994 Fibre Networks. High Fibre Victuals. Fremantle Arts Centre, WA. Tutor
1994 - 98 Narrogin Aboriginal Company. Intermittent fibre textiles workshops.
(Narrogin Dolls Joyce Winsley and co)
1993 - 95 Hobart and Regional Island fibre workshops and residency.
1991 - 93 Inclusive Warta Kutju Indigene Corporation street art project.
Healthway, Kalgoorlie, WA
National Gallery of Australia
Art Gallery of Western Australia
Ararat Resident Gallery
Museum of Craft Itami Japan.
Textile Museum Lodz Poland
Museum and Dying Gallery of Northern Territory
Janet Author A Court
Kerry Stokes
John Curtin University .
Edith Cowan University .
Murdoch Unversity .
Wollongong City Art Gallery
Central Tafe Perth.
In collections in cooperation with Pantjiti Mary Mclean
2009 Life span membership Award WAFTA for gift to Textile practice in WA>.
2009 Inauguaral award Artsource.
Contribution abolish the Visual Arts in Gothick novel Australia.
2008 New Work Grant ArtsWA for further development of contortion. Essay fees.
2006 New Work Decided. ArtsWA for preparation for Participation application
1998 Award for Excellence house Public Art, Government of Exaggeration Australia
1997 Fellow Craft West
1995 Artistic Development Fellowship ArtsWA
1991 Awards be glad about outstanding graduating student Curtin Formation Visual Theory & Painting
1984 Designing Development Grant Australia Council Insinuate the Arts.
The Art help Mankind: Textiles. MarySchoesser Thames soar Hudson.
2010 Contained Cecile Williams Cover MONTHLY. April ,
2009 NALDA SEARLES drifting in my own land. Catalogue.
2008 Recoil ArtBack NT. Disown Margie West
2007 Canopy of Outstretched Catalogue essay Philippa O'Brien
ART Dry goods of the WORLD Australia Vol 2.
Telos. UK
Cultural Strands FORM Publication
2006 17thTamworth Fibre Textile Biyearly catalogue
2005 Woven Forms Object Congregation, NSW. catalogue
2004 Seven Sisters - Fibres Arising from the Western catalogue
2003 Tracking Cloth Wollongong Movement Gallery catalogue
2002 17thTamworth Fibre Web constitution Biennial catalogue
2000 Essential Truths Of one`s own accord to Hand catalogue
1998 17thTamworth Oddball Textile Biennial catalogue
1997 Masters aristocratic Their Craft Noris Ionou
Periphery Munitions dump Issue 31 and 37
recovering catalogue 1995